Welcome to Seeking!
This is a site that has grown over time, so a guide to finding your way around is in order. If you’re looking for help with what order I suggest you read the site in, my guide to using the site will be helpful.

Finding articles:
You can find articles in several ways.
Read each major page:
There are seven major page categories, described below, and linked at the top of every page on the site: Beginning, Building, Doing, Learning, Connecting, Adapting, Questions. Each page has a list of articles related to that focus, and the pages are arranged so you can roughly begin at the top and read down.
Each focus has its own icon (shown and described below) so that you can identify the major focus of the article (is it about learning something or doing something? Are you looking for information on adapting a practice?) that will show up in searches or when you click on a tag.
Each article also has one or more tags, to help you find material across the different kinds of focus. These are listed in the sidebar of each page other than the front page of the site. I’ve tried to keep the tag list short and manageable, but if you have an idea for a tag that isn’t there that would be useful, please let me know via the contact form.
You can also search the site for terms or concepts using the search tool in the top right sidebar.
Major categories:
Pages on the site are grouped into one of seven major categories, based on the focus of the page. Each has its own image, so you can see (if you are looking at pages in a tag group or by search) what the focus of the page is.
The seven major groups are:
Beginning covers the very basics – terms, concepts, and what Paganism is and isn’t. It links to some additional great introductory resources. Check out this section for useful information on terms and core ideas.
As Pagans and witches, we often find ourselves needing to build our own paths. This section on Building a path has tips and ideas for how to do that without being completely overwhelmed.
The heart of the site is Doing. Doing magic, doing ritual, doing things that make us more self-aware people with more choices in our lives. This section covers everything from basic energy work (centering and grounding) to ritual and building a relationship with the gods.
Learning shares articles on how to find and evaluate information resources (books, websites, people…) for religious use, especially when dealing with common Pagan or witchy questions.
Connecting is for those of you who want to find other people to do things with, whether that’s learning, ritual, or magic. You’ll find articles on finding groups and events, how to make a good introduction, and what to expect at public events.
Adapting covers ways to adjust practices and make them work for you. There are tips here for people who’ve got chronic health issues, kids, or other situations that can make the practices in books not a thing that works for you.
Of course, there are also Questions that don’t fit tidily into other topics that come up. You can find answers here.
Other icons:
Key concepts : introductions to common topics and terms.
Resources : Sites and other materials that you may also find helpful.
[Last edited March 9, 2019]