Witch in Practice: Week 27

Last week

I focused on keeping going with the steady stars of my personal practice: morning offerings, my music and divination start to the morning, and generally sorting out what was and wasn’t working for me.

A lot of feeling scattered, and telling myself that was okay. Toward Saturday, I could feel my brain settling down, and I had a good writing day on Sunday, which is always promising.

One of the things I’ve learned from my witchcraft is that liminal states always feel weird, and that forcing myself into them or through them rarely works well. Working with them, however, helps a lot. I got a bit more sleep (I went to bed earlier than usual two different nights, and overslept on one of them…)

I’ve also got a page with some thoughts about how to look at this time almost written, but not quite done yet.

This week

I’m working on figuring out ways to include more explicit healing work in my daily practice, probably in the ‘offerings to relevant deities’ category.

Saturday: I’ve made arrangements with my coven for a Zoom call on Saturday morning (when we’d normally have had class).

My plans involve being able to check in with everyone, talk through some resources on the witchy side that I’m finding interesting or helpful, and then we were up to our healing class, so talking a bit about magical approaches to healing and supporting the body (though not attempting some of the exercises until we’re a little more familiar with the technology.)

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