Witch in Practice: Week 53

Going forward

As I mentioned two weeks ago, I was thinking about whether and how to continue this project. It feels great to have a year of recording what my witchy life looks like (partly so I can point out to people how much it varies….)

But I’m also feeling a big need to simplify the number of things on my regular to-do list, so for the coming year, I’m going to shift to an update every month (probably the day after the new moon proper), and we’ll see how that goes.

Bonus, this will make it easier to actually give a bit more in the way of numbers, because this is now more aligned with how I track the time I spend on things (both to make sure things don’t get imbalanced, and because some of that tracking helps me manage chronic health issues.)

Last week

Tuesday: I got to talk to my mother for the first time since her health issues (which also affected her voice for a bit, which made calls hard), and my brother has been able to visit since, and send photos, which is great.

Wednesday, I did my usual new moon ritual work (tarot reading, some setting of intentions, etc.)

Saturday, we had our (still distanced) Mabon ritual, which involved a little divination (for what to focus on in the dark half of the year), a brief meditation, and talking about seasonal food we’d made. Not the same as being in person, but it went well, and I think everyone took something useful away from it.

Sunday, I did an online workshop focusing on crafting petitions – something I know about, but I enjoy the person teaching it, and I’m feeling a big ‘go back and look at the basics’ push right now, to see what is working best for me.

The coming month

Tomorrow (the 22nd) is my birthday, so I’m planning some ritual work. In particular, I’m looking forward to starting the Black Book work in Aidan Wachter’s new book, Weaving the Fates.

(My birthday seems like a good time to start it: I recommend taking some time to read and digest the book before doing anything in it, as he also recommends.)

By the next new moon, we should have sorted out Dedication for the two current Seekers, and be preparing for Samhain. That means two more rounds of Seeker classes to teach for me, plus the ongoing coven rune discussion, initiate discussion, and the miscellaneous things that come up.

In my personal witchy practice, I’m continuing my daily practice (playing with a few modifications), setting aside time two or three times a week for witchy learning, work in my grimoire, etc.

I’m also thinking a lot about how to better entangle some of my thoughts about how I spend my time, energy, and focus and my witchiness, and I expect there will be some posts about that coming up.

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