Last week
Last week got a lot more complicated than usual because of a call from my sister on Thursday letting me know that my mother had had a major health issue, and was in the hospital.
(Mom is improving, but I’m still waiting to hear more about what the long-term plans are like. Having a long weekend in the middle didn’t help here.)
Thursday: A conversation with one of the people who just finished her Dedicant year about what the next steps might look like.
(The other initiate in the group joined me for this, and was tremendously helpful. Building a group is hard, but having someone to share this with and talk things through with now is amazing and wonderful and delights me.)
Friday: An initial conversation with a Seeker, and figuring out scheduling for doing Seeker classes in a prompt manner so that we could do a Dedication before Samhain (since as a tradition, we try not to do those between Samhain and Imbolc.)
Sunday: I took a day for a proper religious retreat which I haven’t done in ages, mostly with the goal of clearing my head before diving into the new school year. (I work for a school, though not directly with students, but it of course affects the entire rhythm of the year.)
I went for a walk (gorgeous weather, with bonus swans and public artwork), did my weekly offerings, then settled in to catch up on a lot of magical study reading I haven’t had time for.
There was also sewing (I’m now working on an elemental set of housewives – that’s a particular kind of 18th and 19th century tool for holding a sewing kit or other small objects. Here’s the one I made from a kit to see what I thought about the project, which is now my actual sewing kit.)
This week
Monday was a day off, and I caught up on writing things, did some cooking, and some more sewing. Also reading to prepare for coven discussion on Saturday.
Tuesday, I had a longish talk with a prospective Dedicant, and we sorted out next steps there.
Saturday, I have initiate discussion, and then the first of our ongoing Rune discussions (designed to be a thing we can talk about that is flexible rather than going on to what we’d normally work with post-initiation, since initiation isn’t a doable thing just yet.) I’m excited to see how it goes.
Overall I am also sorting out some things about how I want to structure my time, and what’s working and not working for me. (The writing productivity course I did in July continues to be very useful there.)
Part of this is trying to figure out what I continue with next year. I’m thinking I may not do these posts weekly next year, but may see about doing a monthly summary. If you have strong opinions about wanting one or the other, drop me a note via the contact form.