Witch in Practice: Week 50

Last week

Last Saturday was the first day that the Dedicants could turn in a request for initiation, so I spent a lot of this week dealing with details around that.

(Obviously, any rituals that will be forthcoming are waiting until it’s safe for a high risk person – like me – to be inside with someone outside our ow household, preferably without masks. So this may be a bit.)

Friday, I mailed a blessing oil I made over this summer to a friend, and she has been delighted with it so far. I’ve been familiar with the basics for a long time, but this is the first time I’ve done a full blown start to finish ‘infuse all my own oils’ to ‘blend them all’. I’ve been using it myself, and very much like it.

Saturday had approximately all the coven calls in it.

  1. Discussion with our current other initiate about the initiation requests.
  2. Mabon planning (yay having a plan)
  3. Coven chat (yay, chatting)
  4. Final Seeker class for current Seeker.

The latter promptly put in a request to dedicate, which we’re discussing a little more next week. (There’s a piece of it that I want to make sure can be handled well in our context.)

Saturday night also brought an email from another potential Seeker. This means a bit of schedule juggling for me to sort out, but I think there’s a way to do that.

(As a tradition, we do not do dedications or initiations between Samhain and Imbolc, generally, though might do 2nd and 3rd degree elevations then – both of mine were.)

Saturday also had a fair bit of follow up emailing and notes. There may be a reason I do not manage to get anything else done on days when there is coven stuff.

Sunday. Because of all of that, I have been light on some of my own personal work – still doing my regular offerings and my morning practice. I did do some preparation for upcoming coven discussions on Sunday, but I need to do more.

This week

We are gearing up at work for teachers to return to campus (which started happening today.) My department is not returning to campus any time soon, so we’ve been spending a lot of time and energy figuring out what we can do to help people who’d like books, and how to manage some other logistical things.

It’s tiring, but I’m very grateful that so much of my job can in fact be done from home, and that I don’t need to navigate going into a building with lots of other people any time soon.

On the kitchen witchy side, I spent today after work processing a dozen ears of corn from my farm share into kernels and some cobs to make stock with. (I’m going to freeze the stock to make this delicious sounding corn and coconut soup with later this fall.) There was also a lot of green bean processing, and I’m working my way through freezing stuff so I can bag it.

(I need to rearrange my freezer in the next day or two, but that’s okay.)

Other plans: I have two coven related calls later this week, but have blocked off the entire long Labor Day weekend without any scheduled commitments, which is a trick I haven’t managed in over six months.

I plan to do a bunch of writing-related things, but I’m also considering taking a day to do a proper religious and magical retreat with minimal online time.

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