Witch in Practice: Week 38

Last week

The cat is recovering great,

I have made some progress on writing, and oh, yeah, I had a book release. (This one, a little bit more of my polytheistic sensibilities are showing….)

Amazon has been running extra slowly with approvals (as have other ebook sellers).

Normally, I do the publishing upload on Thursday (for Jupiter’s day, and expansion), and things are ready to go (Friday, Venus’s day, a great day for a romance novel to be in the world…)

This week, I made offerings to Mercury on Wednesday, for swift approvals and all the technology to line up appropriately. Things took a little longer than usual, but everything was ready to go by Friday, which was great. (Also, I got a lovely email from one of my most fervent readers, who bought it moments after it was available on Amazon and inhaled it. Seriously, totally made my week…)

So that worked well.

Friday: New in our “physically distanced coven” repetoire, we tried doing the same ritual activity (getting to know a herb and what we might learn from it). I’d said sometime from Thursday to Saturday (the full moon being Friday). Mine involved some mediation, some research, and drawing up a panel for my book of shadows with a distillation of what I’d learned.

(I had picked violet, and I have some violet oil mid-infusion, got some violet extract to drink in water, and had some violet marshmallows. As one does.)

Saturday: I had a discussion with my initiate (our ongoing tools discussion) and we also talked a bit about what things look like for the foreseeable future, around rituals and classes, and possible Dedicants.

Then I had a conversation with a Seeker (who will be starting Seeker classes at the end of the month) which was also great.

Weekend: I spent time both Saturday and Sunday working on a combination of things for both the handwritten Book of Shadows, and the electronic one.

This week

More work on all of the above, Dedicant class (Pagan history – um, in summary, there’s only so much you can fit in a couple of hours…)

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