A tad late this week! Also, it was a fairly quiet week.
Last week
Thursday: I missed the call for the online class, due to inability to manage time. I need to watch the recording, which is a project for this coming weekend.
Saturday: I did makeup class for one of my current Dedicants, we set up for ritual, had our Yule ritual, and then more class. Yay! All of these things were good.
Then I did a rough plan of how I want to spend my winter vacation (lots of cleaning, organising, and I want to do twelve days of spinning yarn, not least because I want to have some handspun yarn for ritual use for Imbolc.)
Sunday: I spent some more quality time reading about odd historical Tarot decks. This is my kind of fun, really.
This week
I am off on vacation starting on Friday for nearly 2 weeks, yay! I am looking forward to getting so many things done at home.
Sometime between Thursday and Friday, I need to go grocery shopping (so I can bring cook and bring food to potluck on Friday) and do a round of laundry (with a plan to do a larger massive haul to the laundromat on a suitable day over my vacation, which is somewhat dependent on weather.)
Friday: I am off to the Cornucopia Collective open ritual, along with probably two of my Dedicants, so that’ll be fun. (If you happen to be in the Boston area, and inclined to go, I will introduce myself as Jenett.)
Saturday: I intend to do the Up All Night vigil I mentioned last week.
Sunday: Dinner with friends (rescheduled, due to today’s local weather.)