This page is the longest on this site, because it’s all about doing things. Begin with the core skills, and then you can work your way down through the other sections as they make sense to you and your learning.
Need to adjust to your specific situation? Check out the Adapting section for more help.

Core skills
- Energy and you : an overview of energy in common Pagan practice and some useful terms.
- Breathing : how we breathe affects our whole body, and it’s a powerful tool.
- Centering : what is you and what’s outside of you?
- Grounding : taking energy in and letting excess energy out.
- Energetic self-care : information about cleansing and shielding
- Visualisation and meditation : how to use these tools in witchcraft practice
- Developing will : a key to a lot of magical work.
Take care of yourself.
Make good decisions about what you do and how you do it.
- What are the risks? This article will help you evaluate the risks in learning something new.
- Safety tips and information : how to have safer ritual and magical practices.
- The Adapting section has advice on adapting practices to your needs.
- What is ritual? An introduction to key concepts about ritual in religious witchcraft.
- How do we do ritual? An overview of ritual steps and their reasons.
- Where do we do ritual? Location makes a difference in what we do and how we do it.
- What is a circle for? What a circle is, and how it’s relevant to religious witchcraft ritual.
- Elements : how they’re part of ritual.
- After the ritual: how to take care of yourself after doing a ritual.
Deities and powers
- Starting to work with deities: a longer guide
- Relationships with deities : Different ways Pagan practices honour deity.
- Learning about a deity : Once you have the basic ideas, here are ideas on learning more.
- Deepening interactions with a deity : how to explore more, and deepen your experience.
- Altars and shrines : the difference, and how to use them in your practice.
- Offerings: how to handle them
In practice
- Daily practices : ideas for daily or regular practice of religious witchcraft.
- Sabbats : when are the Sabbats and what is celebrated on each one?
- Esbats: celebrating changes in the lunar cycle.
- Tools (and some ideas) : what tools you might want or find useful and why.
- Food and drink in ritual : ideas for practice
- Divination : an introduction to divination.
- Correspondences : connections between ideas and concepts that support your magic.
- Technology and your magical life: when it helps, when it might distract.
- Ritual clothing and ritual jewellery.
- A well-stocked cabinet: Useful tools for doing witchcraft quickly
Want to include music and art in your ritual practice?
- Music in ritual practice: why you might want to and practical suggestions.
- Pagan music background and sources: What is Pagan music and where can you find it?
- Pagan music: examples: A playlist and links to musicians I particularly like.
- Art in ritual: a few reasons why and some examples.
Using your skills
The techniques in this section can include more complex ritual approaches, but many times there are simple practical things you can do to improve things in your life. (Some are witchy, some are just good sense.)
- Home sacred home : cleansing and protecting your home, including banishing and blessing.
- Removing old energetic ties : sometimes old connections aren’t helping us.
- Protection practices : if you have concerns about something trying to negatively affect you.
- Self-care in difficult times : when the world is chaotic and challenging.