Many people have situations which mean they need to adapt common practices or approaches to work for their life. This page collects ideas on how you can do that for different needs.

Coven in a time of Coronavirus
A series of articles focusing on adapting coven and magical practice for physical distancing and a wider range of concerns about risks and risk management.
- Introduction and starting a conversation
- Risks and concerns (thinking through the moving pieces)
- Activities and alternatives (what we do, what we might adapt)
You might also find my thoughts about this from the beginning of March 2020 useful. (This was just about two weeks before my state went into stay-at-home advisory mode.)
- Finding time and space : if either of these are limited for you, here are some ideas to make the most of what you have.
- What time and money are needed? A look at common expectations and how to balance them.
Events and community
- Children and public events : things to consider.
- Navigating events if you have triggers or other specific concerns around particular situations.
- For those under 18 (or 21) : options if you can’t join a group (and a bit about why age limits for groups are a thing.)
Ongoing conditions
- Accessibility : questions to consider about accessibility needs in group ritual for a number of common situations.
- Chronic illness and Pagan practice : ideas for sustainable meaningful practices.
- Mental health and Paganism: things to consider
Alternatives for specific practices
- Incense and alternatives : some options for incense and allergies
- Candles and alternatives: Can’t have a candle? Here are some ideas for alternatives.
Unusual situations:
- Self-care in difficult times : for when things are hard and challenging
- Making the most of it: Thoughts on practice during the Covid-19 pandemic