This page collects a few disclaimers, and includes some useful copyright information.

I – Jenett – am a librarian. I care deeply about sharing information.
But I also care deeply about making sure complete information is shared (not parts), and about making sure that people can trace the creator, so they can ask questions, look for additional resources, and all sorts of other wonderful things.
I wrote everything on this site (except for a few places where I quote and cite someone else: these are always clearly marked). Some of it has appeared on my blog. Some has appeared on or been adapted from forums or email lists I post to. (I’m always Jenett, other places, or JenettSilver)
- Share a link to this site with anyone who might be interested (as long as the place where you’re sharing it is fine with links.)
- Feel free to make a copy for your own personal use (printout, electronic copy, etc.) as long as you include the URL and author information.
- Contact me if you have questions, thoughts, or comments – especially if there’s something you’d like to see me write about.
Please don’t:
- Copy material from this site to other formats without permission (other than a single personal copy for review and study.) Many pages here depend on material on other pages on the site.
- Share full copies of this site with others (a class, etc.) without permission.
Sharing with others
(in your own teaching notes, handouts, website, etc.)
- Please ask! The contact form is the best way to reach me.
- Chances are extremely good that I’ll say yes for any non-profit use within the larger Pagan community (very loosely defined).
- I want to know where my work is being shared, so I can point you at other related information as I create it, and answer questions.
- If you have a for-profit use, I might still say yes. Depends what it is – send me the details.
Book and music suggestions:
I don’t recommend books I haven’t read (and generally more than once). However, that doesn’t mean I agree with everything in them. I’ll often outline my basic thoughts along with the suggestion but if I don’t, you can feel free to contact me and ask.
The same thing goes for websites. If I link to a page, I either agree with it, or I agree with parts of it (and will be clear about why I’m suggesting it). That doesn’t mean I agree with everything on the site.
Links to online stores:
I sometimes link to products I haven’t used (if so, I’ll say so). But the stores I link to are places I shop myself and recommend.
Other disclaimers:
In places where I think there might be a conflict of interest (I’ve known a particular author for a long time, for example), I’ll do my best to say so briefly. Mostly, though, the people I like to hang out with like people to share both their likes and dislikes, so it doesn’t generally change what I’d say about a resource or object or tool.
On this site (Seeking), comments are turned off, and the only method of contact is through the contact form. I use the information in that form solely to respond to questions or comments you have about the site.
I collect basic statistical information about the site that includes using Google Analytics, but collect only general information (how long people are on the site, what pages refer them) and not any demographic information.
Last edited June 2024