Witch in Practice: Week 41

A quieter week this week.

Last week

A lot of steady ongoing work in my book of shadows (mostly the digital version.)

Thursday, we got the news that my work is cutting about 5% of the staff, and I found out on Friday that that includes people in my larger department, and others who I very much like and respect and want good things for. That’s been hard all over the place, and it’s bringing up my own history with job cuts (even if it’s not me this time.)

Saturday, I had Dedicant class, on Pagan arts and music, which was a great discussion, and also got me to do some updating on the list of Pagan musicians in the relevant article here. I then taught the first of our Seeker classes for a new cycle. The Seeker classes are chance for people potentially interested in the group to try some low-commitment interactions with me (and in a little, other group members) and see how they feel about that.

That made for a lot of Zoom call (about 11-1 and 2-3:30), but I think I prefer stacking it on the same day (and being sort of useless after), than spreading it out, because teaching makes a big dent in other stuff I want or need to get done on weekends. (A worthwhile dent, but I do like keeping Sundays a day on which I do not generally do anything on anyone else’s timetable…)

This week

I want to do some more notetaking for the Book of Shadows, and I’d like to get back to doing some art and distillation of information into the handwritten version.

Saturday, we have coven chat, if anyone shows up for it.

Sunday, I’ll be doing something for the full moon around household well-being (in the sense, in my case, of “doing things to make my home in an animist sense happy”.)

I’m also hoping with the long weekend to do a graphics update around here, and look at some longer-term plans for some reorganising, figuring out which articles I really want to update, and look at some formatting standardisation across articles (like doing some highlighting to call out specific summary contents).

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